Our Expert Team

Our expert staff understands your suffering and has the capabilities to thoroughly evaluate your condition and deliver an array of treatment choices that may finally provide the relief you deserve. Our team is dedicated to providing patients all the resources needed to make an informed, shared decision and support them throughout the process.

Initial evaluation begins with the team reviewing personal and family health history while exploring the ways acid reflux is impacting a patient’s quality of life.

Every effort is made to provide complete information on the anatomy of the esophagus and stomach, comparing normal function with the manifestations of lower esophageal sphincter (LES) failure and the correlation of resulting symptoms that the patient is experiencing.

Clear discussions explaining diagnostic testing assure that patients are comfortable and well informed for each procedure and how the results will be used in planning disease management.

Contact Us Today

Patients should be referred by their primary care physician. Learn more about the criteria for a referral here. or seek more information by contacting the Northern Light Heartburn Program’s specially trained Nurse Coordinator:

Zina Black, RN, BSN, CNOR, Hernia & Heartburn Program Coordinator
zblack@northernlight.org or 207.973.5077