Broadband Case Statements

Broadband is an essential component of modern life used for healthcare, work, education, recreation, and civic engagement. In Maine, a widening digital gap leaves rural communities, older Mainers, people living in poverty, and historically disenfranchised populations including refugees, indigenous, and people of color without reliable access to affordable, high-speed internet. This negatively impacts the health and economic stability of our state. 

This map highlights broadband disparities in Maine. The darker colors illustrate higher percentages of households with no internet access. Even in the most connected counties, 9% of households do not have basic access to the services offered via broadband. In the most underserved Maine counties nearly one in four households have no internet access.1

Each dot on the map signifies Maine hospital discharges by patient residence and represents hundreds of people who may need or benefit from pre-admission telehealth consultations and/or post-discharge telehealth services. 

Access to telehealth significantly improves the provision of specialized medical care. Broadband access increases care options for people requiring advanced cardiology, neurology, oncology, hematology and more. Mental health services are effectively delivered via telemedicine, and it is known that isolation in rural areas has exacerbated the demand for mental healthcare for people of all ages. Telehealth decreases the need to travel for healthcare, which is a known barrier in rural areas. 

Increasing broadband infrastructure is a vital tool that significantly improves long and short-term health outcomes in rural communities. Rural Americans have higher morbidity and mortality rates as compared to non-rural communities. Residents experience greater health risks, including increased rates of risky behaviors such as smoking and substance use, higher rates of chronic disease such as obesity and diabetes, greater food insecurity, and lower health literacy. These differences are driven by high poverty rates, transportation barriers, and less access to health education. Compounding this are fewer healthcare providers in rural communities, particularly specialists, and longer travel times for in-person care. Almost all rural health disparities have worsened in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Below:National Quality Forum (2021, November). Rural Telehealth and Healthcare System Readiness Measurement Framework. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from 3Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment data 2019-2021.

Rural broadband and telehealth

Androscoggin County population: 108,277
People living in rural areas: 43%
Households with no internet access: 14.2%
(6,479 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern
Light Health data, are below:

1. Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 14.2%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 10.3%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 24.19 down/7.28 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 8.6%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Androscoggin County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2. Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:

- Gastroenterology - Cardiology
- Hematology - Neurology
- Oncology - Rheumatology
- Endocrine surgery - Neurosurgery
- Mental and behavioral health - Primary care and pediatrics
- Women’s health - Substance use disorders

3. Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative
experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Aroostook County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 15.5%
  • Diabetes: 10.8%
  • COPD: 8.8% 
  • Obesity: 32.9%
  • Depression (adults): 11.2% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 26.5%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 18.7%, middle school 22.3%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 11.8% (all populations), 15.3% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.6%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 15.8%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 31%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 15.9%
Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital

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Aroostook County population: 67,055     
People living in rural areas: 80% 
Households with no internet access: 23.8% 
(7,025 total households) 

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability  of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below: 

1.  Access to care and technology available:

  • Percent of households without internet access: 23.8%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 17.6%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 26.82 down/7.78 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 17.7%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Aroostook County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • OncologyRheumatology
  • Endocrine surgeryNeurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Aroostook County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 19%
  • Diabetes: 12.5%
  • COPD: 11.8% 
  • Obesity: 36.5%
  • Depression (adults): 11.4% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.5%
  • Seriously considered suicide:high school 15.6%, middle school 18.3%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 16.1% (all populations), 20.2% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.9%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 21.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 32.2%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 22.3%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center

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Cumberland County population: 295,002
People living in rural areas: 36%
Households with no internet access: 9%
(10,858 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern
Light Health data, are below:

1. Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 9%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 7.2%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 32.44 down/7.9 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 12.8%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Cumberland County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2. Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3. Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Aroostook County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 12.8%
  • Diabetes: 9.5%
  • COPD: 6.2%
  • Obesity: 20.9%
  • Depression (adults): 8.5%
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.0%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 14.9%, middle school 18.4%

Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 9% (all populations), 9.2% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.4%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 16.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 29.8%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 11.4%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice

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Franklin County population: 30,198
People living in rural areas: 83%
Households with no internet access: 17.7%
(2,097 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern
Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 9%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 7.2%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 9.6 down/1.4 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 27.2%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Franklin County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:

These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Franklin County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 17.5%
  • Diabetes: 9.5%
  • COPD: 10.7%
  • Obesity: 36.2%
  • Depression (adults): 11.8%
  • Depression (lifetime): 24.2%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 16.7%, middle school 25.9%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 11.5% (all populations), 16.6% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.7%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 20.2%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 27%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 15.5%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital

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Hancock County population: 55,478
People living in rural areas: 100%
Households with no internet access: 13%
(3,265 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern
Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 13.8%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 9.9%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 13.26 down/3.19 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 37.6%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Hancock County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3. Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Hancock County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 14.1%
  • Diabetes: 8.9%
  • COPD: 6% 
  • Obesity: 25.6%
  • Depression (adults): 7.6% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 21.9%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 17.1%, middle school 18.6%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 10.8% (all populations), 14.2% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.8%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 25.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 27.3%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 14.6%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital

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Kennebec County population: 122,302
People living in rural areas: 63%
Households with no internet access: 14.8%
(7,712 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 14.8%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet:11.5%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 26.5 down/7.3 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 20.8%

Access to care identified as a top concern in Kennebec County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Kennebec County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 15.4%
  • Diabetes: 10.6%
  • COPD: 6.4%
  • Obesity: 35%
  • Depression (adults): 7.5%
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.2%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 15.7%, middle school 20.3%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 12.8% (all populations), 13.9% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.1%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 17.5%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 31.5%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 16.6%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Inland Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice

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Knox County population: 122,302
People living in rural areas: 63%
Households with no internet access: 14.8%
(7,712 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 14.8%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 11.5%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 26.5 down/7.3 up (Standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 20.8%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Kennebec County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and Pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Knox County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 15.4%
  • Diabetes: 10.6%
  • COPD: 6.4%
  • Obesity: 35%
  • Depression (adults): 7.5%
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.2%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 15.7%, middle school 20.3%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 12.8% (all population), 13.9% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.1%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 17.5%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 31.5%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 16.6%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital

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Lincoln County population: 34,634
People living in rural areas: 100%
Households with no internet access: 14.9%
(2,285 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 14.9%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 8.6%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 26.74 down/7.64 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 30.7%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Lincoln County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3. Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Lincoln County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 13.9%
  • Diabetes: 8.7%
  • COPD: 7.8%
  • Obesity: 26.4%
  • Depression (adults): 8.4%
  • Depression (lifetime): 21.5%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 16.8%, middle school 19%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 12.3% (all populations), 16.4% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 25.6%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 28.6%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 16.9%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Inland Hospital

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Oxford County population: 57,975
People living in rural areas: 83%
Households with no internet access: 17.5%
(3,734 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 17.5%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 12.9%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 10.9 down/2.6 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 42.2%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Oxford County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Oxford County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 18.1%
  • Diabetes: 9.6%
  • COPD: 10.8%
  • Obesity: 30.6%
  • Depression (adults): 10.4%
  • Depression (lifetime): 22.7%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 19.1%, middle school 20.8%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 15.1% (all populations), 17.6% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.4%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 19.2%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 24%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 18.5%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital

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Penobscot County population: 152,145
People living in rural areas: 58%
Households with no internet access: 13.5%
(8,391 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 13.5%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 10.3%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 20.85 down/6.33 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 14.5%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Penobscot County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders
3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4. Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Penobscot County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 18.3%
  • Diabetes: 11.4%
  • COPD: 8.9% 
  • Obesity:30.9%
  • Depression (adults): 11.6% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 28.5%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 16.2%, middle school 18.6%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5. Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 14.8% (all populations), 13.9% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 16.5%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 29.4%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 19%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light CA Dean Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Mayo Hospital
  • Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital

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Piscataquis County population: 16,785
People living in rural areas: 100%
Households with no internet access: 21.2%
(1,489 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 21.2%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 15.4%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 14.81 down/4.46 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 33.1%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Piscataquis County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health Telehealth Services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders
3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Piscataquis County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 18%
  • Diabetes: 9.5%
  • COPD: 8.6% 
  • Obesity: 36.7%
  • Depression (adults): 10.6% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 19.8%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 18.9%, middle school 24.5%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 18.5% (all populations) 23.8% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.5%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 25.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 27.4%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 26.3%

Northern Light Health Care Hubs:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light CA Dean Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Mayo Hospital

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Sagadahoc County population: 35,856
People living in rural areas: 62%
Households with no internet access: 13.1%
(2,093 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 13.1%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet:10%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 12.10 down/1.73up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 25.5%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Sagadahoc County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:

These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders
3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Sagadahoc County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 17.7%
  • Diabetes: 9.9%
  • COPD: 8.1% 
  • Obesity: 24.2%
  • Depression (adults): 6.9% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 23%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 19.3%, middle school 24.1%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 9.6% (all populations), 11.4% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 19.4%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 28.7%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 11.8%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital

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Somerset County population: 50,484
People living in rural areas: 81%
Households with no internet access: 19.6%
(4,178 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 19.6%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 14.2%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 13.63 down/2.89 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 36%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Somerset County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:
These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Somerset County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 19.1%
  • Diabetes: 12.9%
  • COPD: 11.9% 
  • Obesity:32.3%
  • Depression (adults): 11.3% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 21.4%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 18.3%, middle school 19.8%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 20.4% (all populations), 22.6% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.8%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 19%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 31.2%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 21.7%
Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light CA Dean Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Inland Hospital
  • Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital

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Waldo County population: 39,715
People living in rural areas: 91%
Households with no internet access: 16%
(2,758 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 16%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 11.4%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 7.14 down/1.16 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 29.5%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Waldo County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:

These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology - Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Waldo County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 17.9%
  • Diabetes: 11.4%
  • COPD: 8% 
  • Obesity:30.9%
  • Depression (adults): 8.9% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.3%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 15.7%, middle school 19.5%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 13.5% (all populations), 18.6% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2.3%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 19.4%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 23.3%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 16.8%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Inland Hospital
  • Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital

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Washington County Population: 31,379
People living in rural areas: 92%
Households with no internet access: 20.2%
(2,786 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 20.2%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 15.7%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 15.65 down/4.75 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 31.9%
Access to care identified as a top concern in Washington County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:

These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in Washington County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 19.4%
  • Diabetes: 12.7%
  • COPD: 9.7% 
  • Obesity: 36.5%
  • Depression (adults): 10.2% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 23.7%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 14.2%, middle school 22.6%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 18.9% (all population), 24.6% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 2%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 21.9%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 30.8%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 22.5%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital

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York County population: 207,640
People living in rural areas: 57%
Households with no internet access: 11.2%
(9,555 total households)

In 2021, the National Quality Forum released a draft measurement framework2 to guide quality and performance improvement for telehealth in rural areas and in response to disasters. The framework includes five domains that are useful when assessing telehealth and the availability of broadband infrastructure to support this modality. Framework domains, with select county3 and Northern Light Health data, are below:

1.  Access to care and technology available:
  • Percent of households without internet access: 11.2%
  • Percent of households without computer, smartphone or tablet: 8.6%
  • Average speed test (M-Lab) in county: 38.28 down/9.32 up (standard is 25 down/3 up)
  • Number of individuals utilizing NLH in-home telemonitoring technology (statewide): 213 at any point in time
  • Percent of primary care visits 30 or more miles from home: 18.8%
Access to care identified as a top concern in York County in the Maine Shared CHNA.

2.  Northern Light Health telehealth services:

These subspecialties are currently available through Northern Light Health via telehealth:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Hematology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrine surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Primary care and pediatrics
  • Women’s health
  • Substance use disorders

3.  Experience:
The majority of patients report a positive telehealth experience. For those who report a negative experience, broadband capacity and connectivity was identified as a significant reason.

4.  Effectiveness:
Disease and mental health prevalence in York County:
  • Three or more chronic conditions: 15.7%
  • Diabetes: 10.9%
  • COPD: 7% 
  • Obesity: 29%
  • Depression (adults): 9.3% 
  • Depression (lifetime): 22.8%
  • Seriously considered suicide: high school 16.8%, middle school 18.8%
Telehealth and in-home telemonitoring are used to provide care and manage these and other conditions.

5.  Equity:
  • Poverty rates: 7.4% (all populations), 9.9% (children)
  • No vehicle in household: 1.9%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older: 17.9%
  • Percent of people 65 years and older living alone: 26.6%
  • Percent of people with a disability: 15%

Northern Light Health hubs and resources:
  • Northern Light Home Care & Hospice
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital

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