Go Ahead and Ask Your Care Team – Our Women’s Health providers are tackling infamously awkward questions

In the busyness of life, women often find themselves juggling a multitude of responsibilities, and the importance of our own health often takes a backseat. Visiting a gynecologist or primary care provider regularly is essential. Northern Light Health providers have heard it all, and no question is off-limits. So don’t let embarrassment hold you back from asking the questions that matter to you. While we encourage you to speak to your provider about any concerns you may have, you can also take a look at these sometimes awkward (but crucial) questions to find out more about your health and find inspiration for some of your own questions.

Q: Do mammograms hurt?
A: Mammograms are X-rays of the breast to screen for breast cancer. This life-saving test is done by flattening each breast between two plates in order to take an X-ray. (Sounds fun, right?!?) While the procedure may be uncomfortable, it only lasts a few minutes and it’s the best way to find breast cancer in its early stages. Pro tip: Try to avoid scheduling your mammogram the week before your period, as your breasts may be extra tender.

Q: Do I still need to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as I get older?
A: It depends. While some people associate sexually transmitted infections with being young, you can still get an STI (such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, and genital herpes) at any age if you’re still sexually active. You have an increased risk of STIs if you:

  • Have a new intimate partner
  • Have more than one intimate partner
  • Have a intimate partner who has other partners
  • Have a intimate partner who has an STI
  • Don’t use condoms consistently when not in a monogamous relationship (you only have sex with each other)
  • Have previously had an STI

Q: Sex just isn’t enjoyable anymore. Is there anything I can do?
A: Yes! As you age new health conditions and physical changes may affect your ability to have an enjoyable sex life. However, your Women's Health provider can be a great resource for options that can help you find pleasure in sex again.

Q: Why do I sometimes pee when I laugh?
A: Leaking urine when you laugh — or exercise, cough, sneeze, or lift heavy objects — is called stress incontinence. It’s a type of urinary incontinence that can happen to anyone, but becomes especially common as you get older (often around menopause). While urinary incontinence is common, it’s not something you have to live with! A combination of treatments, such as pelvic muscle exercises and medications, can help you avoid this frustrating and sometimes embarrassing condition.

Northern Light Health makes seeing a provider even easier and efficient by closely connecting primary care and women’s health in our rural settings. To learn more visit Northern Light Health | Annual Report 2023