Lights, Camera, ACTION: Extras Needed for Acadia Video Series on Adverse Childhood Experiences

Date: 07/20/2023

Calling all extras! Northern Light Acadia Hospital seeks on-camera volunteers to assist in new youth behavioral health video series

Ever wanted to be an “extra” in a video or film? Northern Light Acadia Hospital is planning a half day of filming to record a follow-up video series to our highly successful, award winning youth mental health and wellness campaign, Acadia CARES, and we’re in need of people just like you!

Acadia RACES – Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences – will be a five video series intended to educate parents, healthcare providers, and community members about the often devastating effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and how informed responses are essential in supporting those who experienced childhood trauma.

Acadia RACES will share the story of a fictional teenager and his parents, a family struggling with issues such as parental substance use and intimate partner violence. Through these videos, we will learn how trauma affects both children and the adults who care about them, and how we carry these painful situations into our adult lives. In addition, viewers will gain knowledge on how to ease the effects of trauma and prevention strategies that everyone can put to use to improve our lives.

Here are the details to participate in this important community project:
  • Filming Day: Thursday, August 3 (Rain Date August 4)
  • Location: Hampden Academy Athletic Fields and Track
  • Time commitment: Arrive at 8:30 am for two (2) to three (3) hours. (We have additional “extra” opportunities later this same day. See sign up form below for more details.)
  • Who can come?: Everyone – all ages, races, and walks of life. Bring your family and friends! We need to fill the viewing stands to help bring our story to life!
  • Do I need to audition?: No. We simply ask that you sign up in advance so we have a rough estimate on number of people coming.

Sign up to participate in Acadia RACES filming here.

If you have any questions about Acadia RACES and this project, please contact Jennifer Laferte-Carlson, Community Health Manager, Northern Light Acadia Hospital, at 207.735.6252 or We look forward to seeing a great crowd on Thursday, August 3 at Hampden Academy!

Acadia RACES will be a companion video series to complement our Acadia CARES – Child-Adolescent Resource and Educational Series – program. Released in 2019, Acadia CARES highlights crucial youth mental health and wellness issues, including eating disorders, suicide prevention, bullying, anxiety, sexual identity, substance use, and resiliency. To date, the Acadia CARES curriculum has been used by more than 250 school districts, organizations, and individuals from Kittery to Fort Kent and in ten states across the country. Learn more about Acadia CARES at